Psychometric Career Assessments

Career Analysis for 2nd to 7th class

It will help you to find out Multiple Intelligence of the Student

Career Analysis for 8th, 9th & 10th Class

It will help you to find out most suitable career path and subjects

Subject Stream Selector

It will help you to select most suitable subjects for school

Career Analysis for 11th & 12th Class

It will help you to find out most suitable career path and career road map with detailed execution plan

Engineering Assessment

It will help you to select most suitable engineering branch before engineering college admission.

Career Analysis for Graduates

It will help you to find out Most Suitable Career path and Career Road map with detailed execution plan

Career Analysis for Professionals

Early and Mid career counselling for professionals with detailed execution plan

About Us

Career decisions are one of the most important decisions in a students academic and professional journey. It is essential that these decisions are made with utmost care and expertise.

Fortunarebrains is a place where people find the right career choices. We are a team of experts to evaluate and assess people find career choices.

We leverage technology and research to help students and parents in making informed career decisions.We blend artificial intelligence with strategic human interventions to enable career success.

Trust us with your career decisions as we help you figure out your true self and help you craft your success stories.



About The Counsellor

Sarang comes with over 20 years of work experience in Information Technology and Human Resources. He completed his Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science from NIT, Nagpur and PGDBM from Welingkar School, Mumbai. He Served major MNCs like Wipro Technology, HSBC, HP, eGain to name a few. 

Over the period of time, he started growing interest in career counselling and went ahead to pursue certification from TalentSphere, Bodhami and UniVariety.

He is very passionate about guiding students to fulfil their dreams. He believes that every child is unique and is capable of achieving his/her maximum potential. He is Hardworking with good Interpersonal skills, an active listener, maintains confidentiality and approaches each student with a non-judgemental approach. 

He guides every student based on scientific methodology backed by personalized guidance.

He is a Career Guide & founder of FortunateBrains.